
Are You A Bible Christian?


People grossly misuse the name “Christian.” The name belongs to an individual, not nations of people, such as “Christian nation.” What makes a person a “Bible Christian?” Before we answer that question, let’s first look at who is NOT a Christian. Not all “good people” are Christians. Morality is the obligation of a Christian but that does not make them a Christian. Cornelius was a “good” man, but needed to hear “words” to be saved (Acts 11:14). Nicodemus was a “good” man, but had to be born again to be saved (John 3:5).

Not all “religious people” are Christians. Some heathens are religious (Acts 17:22-23). Any religious person that calls himself a “Christian” and was not made that way based upon the Lord’s teaching is not a “Bible”Christian”! “Joining” a church does not make one a Christian and neither does living “in a church” make one a Christian. Yet today many people think just because they believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He existed they are saved, calling themselves a “Christian.”We can learn from the Bible that a “Christian” is made.

To become a Christian one must be born again as Jesus stated in John 3:3-5. The physical birth is the first birth and the spiritual birth (baptism) is the second birth. To know what is required to be “born again,” we must be begotten (conceived) by the Word of Truth. Paul wrote: “For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:15). We learn from the Word of Truth that man must do something to enter the kingdom of heaven and that is to be “born again.”

After one is “born again” through Baptism,[Immersion] then we can look at the name that is to be worn. What name do you wear in your family? Those in the kingdom of God take on the name that our Father has named His children. Those that DO what Christ has commanded are known as His disciples. The disciples “were first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). The people of God honor their Head by wearing this name. There is no salvation offered in any other name but in Christ (Acts 4:12). When we put ON Christ through obedience to His teaching (Gal 3:27), then we have the right to wear His name.

In Acts 26:28, Paul was preaching the gospel to King Agrippa. Then we find Agrippa saying: “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” Agrippa knew that if he had obeyed the gospel that Paul was preaching, that it would make him a Christian. Friends, it will do the very same thing today! When reading the Bible we can know what is required of us to become a Christian. We need to believe in Jesus (Acts 16:31), repent of our sins (Acts 17:30), confess Jesus as the Son of God (Rom 10:9-10), and be baptized for the remission (forgiveness) of our sins (Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-5). Jesus plainly taught His disciples in Mark 16:16: “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”

Once we are born into the family of God, the kingdom of God, through Baptism, then we are “Bible” Christians and Christ Jesus adds us to “His” church. We then must understand that it takes a commitment on our part to serve Jesus. Are you willing to make that commitment? The name of Christ that we wear should really mean something to each one of us. His name is above every other name (Phil 2:9-11). May God help each one of us to honor the name of Christ by wearing it and living up to it.

Have you been made a Christian based upon Christ’s teaching? It is only through willful obedience to Christ that you and I can wear the name “Christian” and be saved (Heb 5:9).

By: Richie Thetford

Overview of the Church of Christ.

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This article is an overview about “The Church of Christ”
By; Allan McNabb of the “South Livingston congregation”

This article is a brief overview of the Church of Christ. Brother Allan McNadd has tried to include several of the first principles with respect to the church and thus the basic qualities of the church which distinguish it from other religions and from denominations.

  • The Church was Built by Jesus.
  • The Church is Subject to Jesus.
  • The Church is the Household of God.
  • Doctrine of the Church.
  • Names Ascribed to the Church.
  • The Church Worships in Spirit and Truth.

Click HERE to read more about these seven topics at; “Bible Study Guide”.

What Is This Good News?

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You may be wondering with all the Crime of Killing, Abortion and all of the Wars there still can be Good News? Every day we hear about these events and many guiltless lives are destroyed. From; unborn babies too, killing of innocent people.

In all these chases, there is still good news which can only come from studying Gods’ word and learn about the promise He has made to those who gives their lives to Him. The Good News is the Gospel of Christ and the, “Wonderful Hope of Eternal Life” with Him and our loved ones.

You may be wondering; how can there be any “Good News” on the subject of Abortion? The only way a person can have a true understanding about this is to study Gods’ word. Yes, it’s a chase of one’s belief and faith. But, the good news of this is, the fact that all the unborn babies; that has been Murdered by this means, is now in heaven with Christ. But, we still need to “Fight” abortion chases at all cost!

You “Cannot” in no way put a price on anyone’s Eternal Soul, no matter what the person’s age is! Mathew 16:26, 27 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? 27 “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds”.

God can and will turn any bad circumstances into something that is good which will bring Glory and Honor to His father and, to those who love Him that have given their lives too Him through Baptism. Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”.

Many people in the world today don’t really believe in the “True and Living God”. Many claim they do but, in reality the God they believe in is the God of this world. So how can one escape this out look? How can a person come to the FULL understanding of the knowledge that will save their Eternal Soul? By learning about the “Doctrine of Christ” and become a child of His by being Baptized “Immersion”.

Adorn the Doctrine of God.

Why is it so important to learn the Doctrine of Christ?

The Christian Life

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We only have two choices in this Life.

By denying self and living The Christian Life it will be more enjoyable and you will also have a Peace Of Mind about your Eternal Life! The only way to have this assurance is by giving your life to Gods’ Son and let Him be your guide.

God did not send His Son to destroy humankind nor this world. He came to save “ALL” who will come to Him and give their life by immersion and living an Obedience life then; He will give Life abundantly, and the hope of Eternal Life. By doing so; your life will be more enjoyable through Gods’ help and guidance.

In light of this, we must not be drawn away from our Total loyalty towards Gods’ kingdom; (Vrs.19-24 cf. Matt.6: 33, 34), by worrying about our Material things on earth, for God will provide ALL of our needs. He says in Matt. 26: 26, 27 “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature”?

In Chapter 16 of Matthew, Jesus was talking with the disciples and told them that if any one wants to follow Him they most “Deny’ them self and take up the cross. If we deny Christ in order to better our life here on earth, we will lose the hope of Eternal Life. Therefore, if we give up the advantages in this life for Christ we will find Eternal blessings, which is far greater, then what this world has to offer us. (Cf. Rom. 8:16-18).

In Vr. 26, Jesus says; “For what profit is it to him that gains the whole world and Losses his Soul” or what can he give in exchange for it? The first part that talks about deny self, in today’s time and generation more than half thinks in the line of earthly treasures and not the Heavenly treasure that awaits us. Matt.6: 19,20 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20“but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

For we cannot extend our lives by worrying about our Material needs, and by doing so, we will rob our-self of a Joyful & Fulfilling life that Christ would want us to have, while we are here. Those who put their Total Loyalty, and trust in Christ Jesus will not worry about their Material needs, for knowing that God will provide for them as He does for all the animals. For when one worries it will destroy your peace that could have been yours.

In addition, it is a sign of “Disabling Faith” (Matt.6: 34). Peter wrote in Philippians 3: 7, 8 I count “all” things loss for Christ and unto the excellence of the knowledge of Christ, and count “ALL”things rubbish that I may gain Christ. God describes “Life” as a scared gift from heaven to Honor our Creator and to prepare us as His Children for our Eternal home with Him and all of the saints that have gone on before us.

Living with Gods’ help and guidance’s it will make your life more enjoyable. Can you put a price on ones’ Eternal Soul? We only have TWO pathways to choose in our Life.“Eternal Life or Eternal Death”.

Christrian Living In Modern Times


In this days and time, there are so many different denominations and understanding of Gods’ word that people have changed it to fit into their life style. The understanding that we all must have is that there is only one Church and that is the one that was established in the 1st century on the day of Pentecost.

As it is written, that there is only one God so there should be but only one denomination & I can’t find any where in Gods’ word that it talks about having any kind of Denomination’s. I believe that this did not start until after or during the 1st Century. And seeing how that we have so many, it only means that many are not believing in the true and living God that has given us the example to go by in ever since. For the word of God is our Blue Print to help “All” mankind out to live the life that He wants us to live.

E =Earth

Yes; He has giving us the freedom to choose how to live out our lives, what we want to do and when, and how we want to worship Him but if we choose to take His word out of contexts than we are living a lie as well as calling Him one and believe not the truth. (Rev.22: 18,19) I will be working on some topic in different areas as much as I can. I also know that I will get many up set but I will only be telling the truth from Gods word.


1). If you are having a building built, you will need to have a blue print to go by just as Noah did when God gave him instructions on how to build the ark Gen. 6: 13 ff.

2). God gave a pattern in Ex. 25:9 of the details of how the Ark of the Covenant is to be made and again in chapters 35-40.

3). When Christ Jesus was Baptized He was immerse, So shall we in the same matter and then “HE” will add us to “HIS Church” for which is the Body of Christ.

4) Gen.1-3 God made Women from Man. She is to be his “Help Mate” and to teach their children of Gods’ way of living and to become heir’s of Gods’ family. He did “Not Say”, we are to have the same Sex Marriage nor for the Women to be over HIS Church, the husband are become a Pulpit Minister.

Doctrine of Christ